Collingwood Hotel Listing:
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Hotel:Palmerston Hotel
[45] Wellington Street, west side between Victoria Parade and Derby
Collingwood 3066
Map It
Palmerston Hotel (1866 - 1868)
Hancock's Family Hotel (1854 - 1866)
[45] Wellington Street, west side between Victoria Parade and Derby
Collingwood 3066
Map It
Kearney 1855: N ; Hodgkinson 1858: N ; MMBW: N/A
Described as brick in the 1864 rate book, and stone in the 1867 rate book, it was owned and operated by Albert Hancock in its first few years of existence. At the licenses hearing in 1855, a Mr Dyne opposed Hancock's application on the grounds that another hotel was not needed in the neighbourhood, there being others within a few yards. A Mr Stephen and a Mr Read supported the application: it was stated that the applicant, who had been a commander of a vessel, had laid out all his means in the erection of the hotel. ( The Argus, 7 March 1855, p. 5).
In November 1868 an auction was held at the Palmerston Hotel of surplus household furniture, a billiard table, and a six-pull beer-engine ( The Argus, 3 November 1868, p. 3). The Lady Franklin was only a few doors to the south, and in 1868 the Caledonian, later the Vine Hotel, opened up a few doors to the north - perhaps even in busy Wellington Street the competition was too fierce.