Collingwood Hotels Listing

Collingwood Hotel Listing:

Below is a listing of Collingwood Hotels. Please click a hotel to find out more details.

Hotel:Norfolk Hotel

Hotel ID No55
Hotel Address:

[54] Easey Street, northwest corner Budd Street
Collingwood 3066
Map It



Most Recent Name:

Norfolk Hotel (1855 - 1908)

Previous Name(s):


Hotel Address:

[54] Easey Street, northwest corner Budd Street
Collingwood 3066
Map It

When Built/Licenced:


When Delicensed:


Status of Building:




Heritage Victoria Register:


National Trust Register:


Collingwood Conservation Study 1989 & 1995:


City of Yarra Heritage Review 1998:


City of Yarra Review of Heritage Overlay Areas, 2007 & Heritage Database:



Kearney 1855: N ; Hodgkinson 1858: Y ; MMBW: Detail Plan 1238, 1900 (unnamed corner building with cellar)


The application for a licence to Mr Breeze for his new hotel was granted on the condition that a ceiling be installed within two weeks. The hotel, presumably with its ceiling installed, was soon a popular place for a variety of meetings, ranging from the quarterly meetings of 'The Euphonics' to a meeting organised by John Jackson, a lobbyist for the erection of a bridge for Collingwood. At the latter 120 persons sat down to a complimentary dinner, 'furnished - with great credit - by Mr Breeze, the host'. Various councillors and members of Parliament attended, as did the Collingwood town clerk, while other worthies sent their apologies and accompanying cheques to assist Mr Jackson's cause. ( The Argus, 25 August 1856, p. 8 and 15 November 1856, p.5)

Mr John Edwards, one of the candidates for Collingwood, addressed two meetings of the electors last evening - one at the Abbotsford Hotel, Johnston street, and the other at the Norfolk Hotel. At both meetings motions in the candidate's favour were carried unanimously. At the Norfolk' a "free fight" took place, which lasted for some little time, but ultimately order was restored and maintained.

( The Argus, 25 July 1861, p. 4)

Newspapers reported extensively on a case in 1876 involving local youths feuding with the publican George Black. Two boys were charged with shooting to intent to wound. The event excited considerable interest as 'showing the extremities to which the disorderly youth of Collingwood would proceed' and being 'an act transcending in audacity anything yet done by the larrikin tribe of Collingwood'. However as the case unfolded, it seemed that Black had exaggerated and perhaps even manufactured evidence to incriminate the boys, and that, although a gun had been fired, it was loaded with only a few grains of powder and some paper to give him a fright, and caused no injury. ( The Argus, 3 April, p. 5 and 26 April, 1876, p. 5; The Mercury, 15 April 1876, p. 6)

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