Collingwood Hotel Listing:
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Hotel:Prince Patrick Hotel
135-141 Victoria Parade
Collingwood 3066
Map It
Prince Patrick Hotel (1882 to present)
Lancashire Arms (1865) , Serle's (1866 - 1867) , Galatea (1867 - 1872), Armstrong's Hotel (1873 - 1874), New Sydney (1875 - 1882). Note there is some inconsistency in naming in different sources around 1865 to 1867.
135-141 Victoria Parade
Collingwood 3066
Map It
Existing hotel
Rebuilt 1887
Part C, pp. 637-639
Volume 2, Building Citations, Part II, pp. 359-360
HO138. Individually significant
Kearney 1855: N/A ; Hodgkinson 1858: N/A ; MMBW: Detail Plan 1209, 1899
The Prince Patrick was re-built in 1887 in a highly ornamented Italianate style, incorporating two shops on the Victoria Parade frontage. The firm of Ravenscroft and Freeman may have been the architects. It remains substantially intact externally and is a prominent and decorative element in the Victoria Parade landscape.