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Contact Us

with-treeOur registered No is A0030731L

Our ABN is 73 326 462 277

We are affiliated with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria

You can contact us via the following means or use the form below to send us an email enquiry.

Collingwood Historical Society Inc

PO Box 304

Clifton Hill VIC 3068

Phone: 1300 695 427 (Yarra Library Collections & Local History Librarian, Fitzroy & Collingwood)


STOP – please read this before you send us an enquiry!

We are very happy to give you guidance in your search into Collingwood’s fascinating history and to receive your input into our history.

But, if you have an inquiry for us, before you send it, please do the following as this will speed up your getting the information you want:

  • Read our home page and look at the map to ensure your inquiry relates to our location.
  • Look at the information on our website, in particular the section under Resources headed “Where to Start” : . There you will find out that our photographs and documents are catalogued and accessible to you online and you can search them yourself. If you want newspaper articles, there are directions where to search.
  • Check other headings under Resources, such as Plaques, Resources for Schools, Schools. These all provide useful information on the relevant topic.
  • Look under Participate. For some years we have been providing detailed documents describing our annual history walk. You will find lots of interesting information here – and more photos.
  • Check the databases – one for Notable People, one for Hotels
  • Look at the publications page to see what published information is available.
  • Look at the links page. There are many other sites with photos and data.

FINALLY – if you have done all the above without success, or need additional details, send your inquiry, BUT be specific about what you want, tell us which sources you have already checked, and whether they provided you with information or not.

Whilst we are happy to answer your enquiry and provide guidance, we are unable to provide a research service. You might like to follow up commercial services such as those listed on the PROV website:



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