School Resources


Resources for schools

school-resourcesWhile much of the information on other pages of the website will be relevant to school students and teachers, here we highlight some resources of particular interest.

  • An on line book In those days: Collingwood remembered. This presents memories of people growing up in Collingwood, Clifton Hill and Abbotsford in the first half of the 20th century, including their accounts of family life, school, work and play as well as the two World Wars and the 1930s depression. It starts with a short summary of Collingwood history. For easy access we’ve split the book into sections which you can download from the table of contents links below. There is also a full book download link for those that want the book in its entirety at the bottom of the list.
  • The Doll’s House, Collingwood: A lesson outline prepared for Year 3 students following the Australian curriculum, with questions and activities. This outline is in Word format to enable editing.

 A short video on Collingwood history made by the Education Department in 1987 can be found on the CHS Youtube channel. So much has changed even since then!



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