Collingwood Hotels
The Collingwood Historical Society researched all the hotels (past and present) in the Collingwood, Clifton Hill and Abbotsford areas. We suggest that you first read our “An Introduction to Collingwood’s 101 Hotels” document. You may also like to view our “Collingwood’s 101 Hotels: Sources and Further Reading” document which provides details of our sources and provides a list of further reading which may interest you. Both these documents are provided in pdf format so that you can easily read them.
Our hotels have now been entered into a database system so that they are easily searchable. You can access the search pages and our interactive Google Map pages below:
- Search & Filter All our Hotel Records
- Search and Filter the Collingwood Hotels
- Search and Filter the Abbotsford Hotels
- Search and Filter the Clifton Hill Hotels
- Interactive Google Maps – We have also developed a page containing an interactive Google map for each suburb which shows the location of each of the hotels. You can also access each of the interactive maps by clicking the links below. If you click on the marker on the map there are some details for each hotel.
RHSV Photo Links on individual data sheets are to photos supplied courtesy of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria.
Collingwood Historical Society gratefully acknowledges the support of the Victorian Government through the Community Support Fund and Public Record Office Victoria for making this project possible.