The Collingwood History Plaques Project


The Collingwood History Plaques Project


The Collingwood Historical Society, with the support of the City of Yarra and Heritage Victoria, has installed 12 plaques to mark local buildings of significance and allow passers-by to share a new layer of awareness and appreciation of the history of their community…


The sites relate to the industrial heritage of the area and represent the first two stages of an ongoing project to inform the community about the historic importance of Collingwood in the development of Melbourne (and Victoria). The information on each plaques is necessarily brief, so for each site additional information, including the address, has been prepared and can be viewed via the links below. This information was originally on the City of Yarra site and is reproduced with permission. Note that the 12 plaques were installed in 2006 and 2007 and the notes were written at that time. There have been significant changes to some sites in the meantime. In particular:


The Doll’s House has been moved a short distance and is now on the Collingwood College grounds opposite the end of Islington Street.

The Yorkshire Brewery site has undergone a major high-rise development, and the brew tower has been extensively restored.

The former Kodak building is no longer the headquarters of Fosters Australia.


The plaque sites (HV indicates that the plaque was placed by Heritage Victoria – all others were placed by City of Yarra) are:








Clifton Hill



Below is a link to the locations of the plaques on Google Maps. Click on the markers for the address of each plaque or use the link to the larger Google Map to see a street view of the location.


View Collingwood Historical Plaques in a larger map


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