by oztwowheel | 7 Dec, 2023
The detailed notes from the Nov 2023 “A Collingwood Corner” Walk are now available on the site. You can go directly to the file at
by Karen Cummings | 13 Nov, 2023
For ten years or so our membership fee has been $10. As discussed at our AGM, increasing costs and decreasing income have regrettably necessitated an increase to $20. This is payable by 28 February 2024, but can be paid from now on. New members joining now and paying...
by Karen Cummings | 13 Nov, 2023
Our annual walk was held on 11 November with approximately 35 attendees and was greatly enjoyed by all. We adjourned to the Grace Darling for refreshments afterwards, and as a special treat the helpful barmaid showed us the bluestone cellars. If you missed the walk,...
by oztwowheel | 10 Nov, 2023
You can now download the pre-walk notes for our 2023 walk entitled “A Collingwood Corner”. You can find them at
by Karen Cummings | 27 Sep, 2023
The City of Collingwood was famous as the capital of the Australia’s boot and shoe manufacturing from the late 19th until well into the 20th century and was the location of many dozens of footwear factories and associated industries. Ian Harold kept the last of...