Working Meeting
Collingwood Library Meeting Room 11 Stanton Street, Abbotsford, Victoria, AustraliaOur next meeting will be held on Monday 11 April. It is planned to hold it at Collingwood Library, but if there are issues about holding a face-to-face meeting due to Covid, it will be held via Zoom. Our 'working' meetings are so-called because they focus on discussion and planning of projects and activities. Non-members […]
Working Meeting
Collingwood Library Meeting Room 11 Stanton Street, Abbotsford, Victoria, AustraliaOwing to the current Covid and flu situation in Melbourne, we have decided to hold this meeting online using Zoom, NOT in person at Collingwood Library. Members will be sent a link, and the meeting papers, in the days preceding the meeting. If you are not a member but would like to attend, please email […]
Annual General Meeting and Guest Speaker
Our AGM with guest speaker Janet McCalman will be held on Tuesday 23 August at the Yorkshire Stingo Hotel, 48 Hoddle St Abbotsford, preceded by dinner at 6:30. AGM business 7:45, speaker 8 pm. Janet McCalman's topic is 'Collingwood: the capital of Vandemonian Melbourne'. This is based on research for the Founders and Survivors project. […]
Working Meeting
Our next meeting, originally scheduled for the third Monday in October, has been moved to Thursday 27 October owing to conflicting commitments of committee members. The meeting will be held on Zoom. Members will be sent a link a few days prior to the date. If you are not a member you are welcome to […]
Annual History Walk
16 ST HELIER'S ST ABBOTSFORD Abbotsford, AustraliaAfter two years with no 'live' walk due to Covid, we are thrilled to once again be resuming our annual guided History Walk. We will be covering the area of Abbotsford bounded by Johnston, Gipps, and Nicholson Streets. Find out where the name Abbotsford came from, where Collingwood people used to go for a swim, […]
Christmas/End of Year meeting cancelled due to inclement weather
Our end of year get-together will take the form of a picnic in the Darling Gardens on 12 December at 6:00 pm. Bring a bottle or plate to share.
Recurrent Witnesses: the Marrying Vicar, Nathaniel Kinsman
Yorkshire Stingo Hotel Hoddle St Abbotsford Hoddle Street, Abbotsford, AustraliaCHS is pleased to welcome Dr. Méthot, Professor of History at the Augustana Campus of the University of Alberta. With her particular area of expertise being bigamy, she is involved in a larger network of international scholars on this subject. After several months as a Visiting Professor at Macquarie University, Dr. Méthot will spend January […]
The first of our general meetings of the year will be held on Monday 20 February at 7:30 pm. We will be reporting on recent events and activities, and discussing our projects for 2023. It is not too early to start thinking about a guest speaker for our August AGM, or even the route for […]
Working meeting
We hold meetings on the third Monday of every second month. These are mainly practical working meetings to report on activities and plan new ones. Non-members are welcome to attend. VENUE TO BE ADVISED
Ordinary meeting
Our bi-monthly meeting will be held on 19 June via Zoom. Members have been sent the link. If you are not a member but would be interested to attend, write to us from the Contact Us page to request an invitation.This is a 'working' meeting when we will discuss our plans and projects.